(4 minute read)
Effective Experience Measurement and Engagement Programs enable organisations to respond quickly and effectively to emerging futures and business challenges. So…why wouldn’t organisations implement Programs that help them Actively Listen to 2 of their most important assets: Their Staff and their Customers.
We’ve listed the 4 most common obstacles our clients tell us they face, and share some of their strategies and ideas to overcome these. Enjoy!
Listening more actively and being better engaged saves money. Here’s how…
Listening actively to your staff will improve:
– Retention as staff are less stressed and anxious about coming to work.
– Engagement as teams work with people they know and trust for longer and feel valued because their experiences matter.
Listening Actively to your customers will improve:
– Retention and Loyalty as customers have fewer incentives to look elsewhere for the products and services they need.
– Engagement as more of your customers feel they are part of a community or organisation that visibly demonstrates it is serious about what hearing what they have to say.
– The quality of services being provided as each consumer is empowered to become, in effect, a Mystery Shopper. Empowering customers to give feedback and making it easy to let them have their say gets them involved, emotionally committed and comfortable to tell you about the (good and bad) things that are happening in your network.
Because it’s the right thing to do. And you may actually be pleasantly surprised at what they have to say!
Something we’ve learned in 15 years of running engagement programs: Making it easy to give feedback leads to fewer complaints. Teams we work with are often surprised when they see real evidence that Active Listening leads to a decrease in complaints and improves their work environment (Yes – Happy Customers do lead to Happy Staff – And vice versa).
Active Listening involves and engages consumers AND front-line teams and managers in the Service Improvement Journey. Showing stakeholders that you are committed to hearing what they say and are acting on their input and are responding to the issues they raise increases the chances they will honestly rate their experiences with you representatives.
Don’t try to avoid complaints. Seek them out and respond quickly to what your Customers are telling you. Each complaint is an opportunity to improve and when you show teams that their efforts are appreciated and are recognised, positive behaviours are ingrained and become hardwired.
Because you need to.
Because consumers of your services are more aware and sophisticated than ever before.
Do you know that what you are doing is really working or do you think you know?
How do you measure your in-store execution? Are you just repeating the old way of “surveying” and ticking a box?
With CFS, a survey program can be simple and requires minimal Customer Effort to be successful.
Why not make it easy for all of your stakeholders (Staff included!) to have their say? It’s not that hard!
Yup – You do! Having easy feedback means customers become your early warning radar when things might not be crash hot at the front line.
We’ve learned that listening continuously is critical if you want to improve both consumer and staff engagement, satisfaction and experiences.
Your customers, staff and other stakeholders have different experiences, perceptions and feelings about each and every time they interact with your teams and organisation. By empowering you to actively respond to the needs and wants of your internal and external customers, more consistent, higher quality services and experiences can be delivered to everyone, all the time.
All it takes is a change in mindset and a realisation that Real-Time, Continuous Feedback and Engagement Measurement makes sense and is the right thing to do if you really want to improve.