Welcome to CFS’ SPOTLIGHT on SWITCH 2019!

We look forward to helping you make your visit to SWITCH 2019 valuable and worthwhile.   In this edition of SPOTLIGHT, we look at the importance of Community Feedback and Engagement Surveys and the value of Active Listening.   The Future of Public Libraries Forum Report highlighted the importance of Community Engagement as an enabler…


Why Real time feedback?

Very simply… Welcome, encourage and share complaints and feedback. These tell you where and when you need to look to improve


Client Spotlight

We are often involved in programs that we believe everyone in the Community can benefit or learn from. In this section….


New Audits Developed Recently

Our experience in the auditing and compliance space continues to grow. Interesting additions to the Audit Angel Ecosystem over the past few weeks include…


CFS Turns 12!

The tiny company with a big vision that opened its doors with 3 staff and 1 client in Sydney on 17 October 2004 is now a team of 15, We now serve 60+ organisations throughout the country, and have even bigger visions than before!


Investing in our Community

Where we can, we invest in the Community and support clients with work they are doing no matter where they are. Over the past few months, CFS has…


Hot off the press!

CFS is proud to announce that a range of new tablet-based patient feedback tools and solutions is being rolled out over the next 6 to 12 months. In addition to the functionality of the Trackers that our clients and their customers have come to love, new features include…


Welcome to the CFS Family

First off, we’d like to extend a warm welcome to Vermont Private Hospital, Rumbalara Aboriginal Co-Operative, Albury Wodonga Health and Calvary St Lukes who have joined the CFS Community. We look forward to helping you, and your teams deliver GREAT experiences to your stakeholders in the coming months and years!
